
Before I became an educator, like the rest of the world, I though teachers had a good set up. A day that was spent with cute kids teaching them how to read and having recess, and the day ending at 3. I was well aware of the pay, or lack thereof. Now that I’ve been lucky enough to immerse myself in the classroom of an urban school district at the height of the Common Core and PARCC debates, I know that teachers do get to spend their days with cute kids, but some are incredibly hard to teach how to read. In fact, that ideal recess is usually a dream and is not a consistent part of my students’ day. Assessments, small groups, Intervention, data conferences, critical thinking, performance tasks, stressed-out teachers, and lunch— those are the structures in which our students find solace. This blog will be a place for me to share the few frustrations, the many stories of triumph, and Pandora’s box of the hilarity and hi-jinx that ensue working with some cool 4th graders, and a team of adults who don’t take ourselves too seriously, find humor throughout it all!


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